Thursday, June 6, 2024
HomeEthiopian VideoTPLF military provocations in Raya - Amhara region

TPLF military provocations in Raya – Amhara region


Toronto – It is not even two years since the devastating war that affected Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions of Ethiopia ended with the signing of  cessation of hostility agreement in Pretoria South Africa. Hundreds of thousands of people are said to have been killed. 

Now the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) – the very entity that is identified as the cause of the war – is reportedly making another military move. This week, its combatants have attacked and controlled villages in the Raya area. 

In an interview with CGTN, Chinese news source, Tigray Region Interim Administration president – Getachew Reda – recalled the devastation from the last war and he said there is no room for war. But that does not seem to be the case. 

TPLF and Abiy Ahmed’s government reconciled in the months after the Pretoria agreement. They even formed what appeared like a political alliance. In February this year, there was an evaluative meeting between Abiy and TPLF leaders, had a meeting at the office of the prime minister and another meeting at the African Union in Addis Ababa. The status of the presumed political alliance is unknown at this point.

Video : embedded from EMS YouTube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video

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  1. “”Fanno—the very entity that is identified as the cause of the war—is reportedly making another military move,” told Borkena, ambushed in Toronto Amharan Shisha House.


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