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HomeEthiopian NewsTPLF says "The peace agreement is not fully implemented" 

TPLF says “The peace agreement is not fully implemented” 

Opposition groups and activities have been accusing the TPLF itself of not fully implementing the Pretoria agreement

TPLF leaders (photo credit : DW Amharic)


The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is saying that the Peace agreement with the Federal government of Ethiopia which was signed in Pretoria, South Africa, on November 22 is not fully implemented. 

The disclosure came after weeks-long meetings of the party leaders and members in the region. 

The party said the problems of people in the Tigray region are continuing because the agreement is not fully implemented, according to a report by DW Amharic. 

TPLF, which dominated Ethiopian politics and society for nearly three decades until it lost power in the central government in 2018 with Abiy Ahmed’s coming to power, said a discussion with the Federal government is needed regarding the implementation of the agreement. 

The statement the party released after completing its meeting also said that the region is facing “administrative problems.” Following the Pretoria agreement an interim regional government was formed in the region and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed Geta hew Reda, former TPLF spokesperson and foreign relation, as president for it. 

While recognizing what it called “relative peace” in the region and the resumption of services that were suspended during the war, TPLF raised the condition of displaced people in shelters and displaced people from areas “not liberated” as an example to make a case that the Pretoria peace agreement is not fully implemented. 

There have been reports this past week that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s administration persuaded him to consider recapturing Wolkait and Raya region by force as a form of support to Abiy Ahmed’s military campaign in the Amhara region. The unconfirmed news reported in Ethiopian news outlets like Anchor Media indicated that the TPLF declined to heed to Abiy Ahmed’s request. 

The TPLF took its claim further and said that people in Tigray have been facing ethnic-based attacks, looting, and other forms of social problems after the signing of the Pretoria agreement. To resolve the problem, the TPLF seeks to have a political discussion with the Federal government – on ways of full implementation of the agreement. 

The TPLF has been projecting an image that the Pretoria agreement has granted Wolkait – which it calls “Western Tigray” – to the Tigray region. 

In a parliamentary appearance after the signing of the Pretoria agreement, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Wolkait was not discussed and that the agreement did not give Wolkait to TPLF. 

The ruling Prosperity Party and the TPLF forged what looks like a political alliance. There is a view – extensively shared in social media platforms – that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed wants to hand over Wolkait to the Tigray region by organising a sham ‘referendum” 

The TPLF itself was accused of not fully implementing the Pretoria Peace agreement – especially in the area of fully disarming its combatants.

In a related development, there have been reports that TPLF officials in Tigray have been engaged in diverting aid food to their own use and misappropriation of public assets including selling vehicles for their own use. The TPLF did not remark on that. 


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  1. When I saw the photo of the current leaders of the TPLF, I couldn’t hold back asking ‘where are the women?’ Only two out of 55% of the region’s population? Also, when it is reported that out of the 6 million people of the region 5.4 million of them go hungry every day to a point of starvation, the photo shows the leaders are well fed with some of them overfed with beer guts sticking out. They don’t seem to skip even the snacks between their 3 meals a day. It reminds me the photo of that tub of lard Mao whose pants were bursting at the seams while 25 million citizens of his Red China were starving to death each time during his ‘Hundred Flowers Bloom Campaign’ and ‘The Great Leap Forward’ open and murderous war on his own people. O boy! Do I have nothing but utter contempt for commies and their by-products!!!

    For the sake of peace the people of that region desperately need, I’m gonna stop here from making further comment about the ‘physiology’ of these leaders. The men only, that is!!!

  2. Subject: “TPLF says “The peace agreement is not fully implemented” September 27, 2023

    Humble Opinion, 27 Sept 2023
    a) Why? Because your excellencies want to have their own way of ‘peace agreement’ for their own benefits
    b) It is that simple !!!!
    c) But POWER has its own way of irrationality.
    d) And make ordinary citizens subservient to the so-called dictator personalities.
    e) Just for interest >>> look deeply at any Dictator INTENTLY.
    f) What do you see?
    g) YOU will ‘read’ hungry for savagery of POWER on the FACE.
    h) That creature will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER STOP at ANYTHING to have HIS way.
    i) Solution? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I ain’t saying, a word !!!!!!
    —– THE END —–
    Post Script;
    I dare add that any country waiting for a dictator to be humane is doomed for disintegration into pieces
    What do you see on the face of ‘MODERN’ (!?) ETHIOPIA ??????????

  3. A. As the saying goes it is a long long long way to Tipperary.

    B. The disintegration of the oldest independent nation in the world — named Ethiopia — is not too far.

    C. That is what individual ‘smart Alexes’ would like to see for their own private satisfaction.

    D. Be patient, the above will soon happen i.e. the disintegration of ETHIOPIA.

    E. And any consequential thing will happen that never have been dreamed about

    F. And colonial powers of yesteryears — and others pretending to be the friend of Ethiopia — will be delighted to see
    fragmented BLACK AFRICAN COUNTRY — Especially like Ethiopia.

    G. Don’t blame them . They are naturally accustomed to be what they are, for time immemorial.

    —————And that is the END of the STORY. GOOD BYE!!!!!! ——————-

  4. Despite setbacks in the conflict with Eritrea and Amhara, Tigray is still a regional force with influence. The other regional power Eritrea is no party to the Pretoria agreement and continues to undermine it. It is training and arming the Amhara forces that are against the agreement and battling against the Oromo dominated government army. The road to peace in the Amhara region goes through Asmara and the international community needs to realize this fact and pressurize Eritrea. As Oromia is the gift of Tigray to the Oromo people, its security and sovereignty depends on Tigrayans too.

  5. In unrelated development it is reported by monitoring agencies that there was an earthquake today just about 2 miles from the city of Djibouti. I have been saying and worried about potential(inevitable) earthquake in countries like Djibouti, Eritrea and Ethiopia including Somalia for quite sometime now. This one was about 4.7 on the scale and it could be a harbinger for what is in the cookbook for anyone of these nations. It looks the entire African Plate is in motion and it is a matter of time before the big one hits these countries. The landscapes still carry scars from past major and cataclysmic earthquakes. Western Hararghe of my birthplace is one of them with visible fissures that run for miles and are very narrow. Those that are wide enough have turned into deep river beds. As young boys we used to be warned by our parents to stay away from the fissures who told us they were devil’s hiding place. I hope governments and regulators are aware of this potential disaster and is part of their planning and permit policy.

  6. ኢትዮጵያ በጦር ሰላም ለማስከበር በማለት የተባበሩት መንግስት ምራባውያን ኣዘዙ
    የትኛዘው ቡድን ነው ለኢትዮጵያ በትክክል የሚያገለግለው። የኢትዮጵያ ላይ የተቀመጡት ኣብዛኛው ከኣብይ ጀምሮ ሁሉም ሙስልም መሆን የተመለመሉት ያለ ምክንያት ኣይደለም። ህዋሃት ከነጭ ጌቶቻቸው ባስቀመጡት መስፈርት ሙስልሞች ላይ ዕንዲቀመጡ የተደረገበት ምክንያት። ባዲሱ የ ኣለም ኣሰላለፍ ኣሪቦች የመሃል ኣሻሻጭ ሁነው ደካማ ኣገርን በ ኣረብና በምራባውያን፣ ልክ በቅኝ ገዢ ግዜ ዕንደተፈጠረው፣ ጥሬ ሃብትን ለመበዝበዝ በዕዳን መሰረዝ ምክንያት መሬቶቻችሁንና ጥሬ ሃብታችሁን ኣስረከቡ በማለት በዚህ ሳምንት ጸድቋል። ጋዜጣም ወቷል።

    ባሁኑ ግዜ የሚካሄደው ጦርነት ኢትዮጵያ ላይ፣ ሁለቱም ወይም ሶስቱም ሃይሎች ኣረቦች ና ምራባውያን የሚቀራመተውን ኣገር ኢትዮጵያን የማስረከብ ነው። ማናቸው ፋኖ፣ ኣገር በቀል ካልሁነ ኣስተደረጃጀት በዕስራዔል በኩል ከሆነ ዕውነት ትግል ኣይደለም ዛየኒስት ስክሁሉ ኣልመን የሚመሩ ስለሁነ። የኣዲሱ ኣለም መሪ ናቸው ከምራባውያን ጋር። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጦር ኣደረጃጀት በኣረቦች በኩል ዔምሬት፣ የጋራቸው ደሞ ምራባውያን ኣንድ ናቸው። ስለዚህም በየትኛውም በኩል ተቃራኒ በማስመሰል ሁሉም ምራባውያን፣ ኣረቦችና ዕስራዔል ኣንድ ሆነው ነው የሚሰሩት በጦ። ኣዋጅ ወቷል በኣለም ፎረም፣ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥም በቅርብ የውጭ ጦር ይገባል። ይህ ማለት በጸጥታ ኣስከባሪነት ስም ግን ጥቃቱ ዋና በህዝብ ላይ ሲሆን በተለይም በ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ላይና በኣማራ ላይ ነው። ኦሮሞው ማንነቱ ስለቀየረ ለጊዜው ዝም ይባላል ግን ይመታል።ኣይፈለግም ቁጥሩ ዕንደ ኣማራ ብዙ ስለሆነ ኣይፈለግም። ዔርትራ በኣረቦችና ማራባውያን ከመጀመርያውኑ ኢትዮጵያን በማዳከም ከፍተኛ ሚና ኣላት ስለዚህም ዕረዳለሁ በማለት ስም ከውጭ ጦር ጋር ኣብራ ትገባለችም ትሰራለችም። ከላይ የተመለመሉት ሙስልምች፥ ኣብይ ኣህመድ፣ ጃዋር፣ ኣህመድ ሀሸዴ፣ ስልጤዎቹ፣ የገንዘቡ ኣህመድ ሺደ ኣምባሳደሮች በሙሉ ሚና የተጫወቱ ስለሁነ ለጊዜው፣ ካገር ይወጡና፣ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ላይ ጦርነቱ ልክ ዕንደ ሊቢያ ሲያልቅ ተመልሰው ሊሾሙ ይችላለ በ ግብጽና በሌሎች ኣረቦች። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ከሌላው ኣፍሪካ ይልቅ የበለጠ በኣረቦች፣ በምራባውያን፣ በዕስራዔል ወደ ባርነት ቀንበር ትገባለች። ኒዎም ኣገር፣ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ከ ሳውዲ ኣውሬው ጋር ተካቶ የምራባውያን፣ ያረብና የዕስራዔል ኤምፓየር ይሆናል። ዕውነተኛ ሃገር ሊረዳ ኢትዮጵያን ልክ ዕንደ ሁለተኛውና ኣንደኛው ጦርነት፣ ሩስያ ብቻ ትሆናለች ካሸነፈች። ሩስያ ኣታሸንፍም ምክንያቱም፣ ህንድና ቻይና ከጎኗ ኣይመስሉኝም ማታለያ ነው፣ ህንድና ቻይና ከምራባውያን ጋር ለሃያ ኣመት ኣብሮ በመስራት ምራባውያኖች ዕኩያ ኣድርገዋቸዋል ስለዚህ ርስያ ትሠባበራለች።

    ዖሮምያን በተመለከተ በመጨረሻም ኦሮሞም ራሱ ዕንደ ኣማራ ይመታል፣ ለግዜው ነው። በውስጡ የተሰገሰጉ ዔርትራ፣ ስልጤ ትግሬ፣ ጁነዲን ሳዶ ወዘተ ከኣረብና ከምራባውያን ጋር የሚሰሩ ናቸው። ኢንዲጅነስ የሆኑ ኣማራ፣ ኦሮሞ፣ ደቡብ በሙሉ ይጠፋሉ፣ ዕመኑኝ። ኣብዛኛው የኦሮሞ ስም ያላቸው ዕንደነ ሌንጮ ባቲ የኣረብ ቅልቅል፣ ኣምባሳደር ሆኖ ሳውዲ ኣረብያ፣ ኣንድ ሚሊዮ ኢትዮጵውያን ዕስር ቤት የታሰሩት ምንም ኣላደረገላቸውም። ዕነዚህ ኢትዮጵያውያን ዕየሞቱ በበሽታና፣ ዕየተገድሉ፣ ለሽብርተኝነት በኣለም ዕየተመለመሉ ነው ሶውዲ ኣረብያ።

    የኢትዮጵያን ጦር ዕንደገና ዕያታለሉት ነው። ዋና መሪዎቹ ምስልሞች፣ ህዋሃትና፣ የዔርትራ ጀነራሎች ናቸው። የሚያልቀው ዕርስ በራስ የሚያልቀው ኢትዮጵያን ከቅኝ ግዛት ያውጡት ተባብረው ኣብረው ሆነው፣ የልጅ ልጆቹን ዕያገዳደሉ ነው። ማንም ጠላት ሳይሞት፣ ኢትዮጵያውያን ዕርስ በራስ ዕየተገዳድሉ ነው። ለነጻውጪ የውጭ ኣገልጋዮችና የውጭ ሃይሎች የምስራች ነው።ሄ

  7. ኢትዮጵያ በጦር ሰላም ለማስከበር በማለት የተባበሩት መንግስት ምራባውያን ኣዘዙ
    የትኛዘው ቡድን ነው ለኢትዮጵያ በትክክል የሚያገለግለው። የኢትዮጵያ ላይ የተቀመጡት ኣብዛኛው ከኣብይ ጀምሮ ሁሉም ሙስልም መሆን የተመለመሉት ያለ ምክንያት ኣይደለም። ህዋሃት ከነጭ ጌቶቻቸው ባስቀመጡት መስፈርት ሙስልሞች ላይ ዕንዲቀመጡ የተደረገበት ምክንያት። ባዲሱ የ ኣለም ኣሰላለፍ ኣሪቦች የመሃል ኣሻሻጭ ሁነው ደካማ ኣገርን በ ኣረብና በምራባውያን፣ ልክ በቅኝ ገዢ ግዜ ዕንደተፈጠረው፣ ጥሬ ሃብትን ለመበዝበዝ በዕዳን መሰረዝ ምክንያት መሬቶቻችሁንና ጥሬ ሃብታችሁን ኣስረከቡ በማለት በዚህ ሳምንት ጸድቋል። ጋዜጣም ወቷል።

    ባሁኑ ግዜ የሚካሄደው ጦርነት ኢትዮጵያ ላይ፣ ሁለቱም ወይም ሶስቱም ሃይሎች ኣረቦች ና ምራባውያን የሚቀራመተውን ኣገር ኢትዮጵያን የማስረከብ ነው። ማናቸው ፋኖ፣ ኣገር በቀል ካልሁነ ኣስተደረጃጀት በዕስራዔል በኩል ከሆነ ዕውነት ትግል ኣይደለም ዛየኒስት ስክሁሉ ኣልመን የሚመሩ ስለሁነ። የኣዲሱ ኣለም መሪ ናቸው ከምራባውያን ጋር። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጦር ኣደረጃጀት በኣረቦች በኩል ዔምሬት፣ የጋራቸው ደሞ ምራባውያን ኣንድ ናቸው። ስለዚህም በየትኛውም በኩል ተቃራኒ በማስመሰል ሁሉም ምራባውያን፣ ኣረቦችና ዕስራዔል ኣንድ ሆነው ነው የሚሰሩት በጦ። ኣዋጅ ወቷል በኣለም ፎረም፣ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥም በቅርብ የውጭ ጦር ይገባል። ይህ ማለት በጸጥታ ኣስከባሪነት ስም ግን ጥቃቱ ዋና በህዝብ ላይ ሲሆን በተለይም በ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ላይና በኣማራ ላይ ነው። ኦሮሞው ማንነቱ ስለቀየረ ለጊዜው ዝም ይባላል ግን ይመታል።ኣይፈለግም ቁጥሩ ዕንደ ኣማራ ብዙ ስለሆነ ኣይፈለግም። ዔርትራ በኣረቦችና ማራባውያን ከመጀመርያውኑ ኢትዮጵያን በማዳከም ከፍተኛ ሚና ኣላት ስለዚህም ዕረዳለሁ በማለት ስም ከውጭ ጦር ጋር ኣብራ ትገባለችም ትሰራለችም። ከላይ የተመለመሉት ሙስልምች፥ ኣብይ ኣህመድ፣ ጃዋር፣ ኣህመድ ሀሸዴ፣ ስልጤዎቹ፣ የገንዘቡ ኣህመድ ሺደ ኣምባሳደሮች በሙሉ ሚና የተጫወቱ ስለሁነ ለጊዜው፣ ካገር ይወጡና፣ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ላይ ጦርነቱ ልክ ዕንደ ሊቢያ ሲያልቅ ተመልሰው ሊሾሙ ይችላለ በ ግብጽና በሌሎች ኣረቦች። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ከሌላው ኣፍሪካ ይልቅ የበለጠ በኣረቦች፣ በምራባውያን፣ በዕስራዔል ወደ ባርነት ቀንበር ትገባለች። ኒዎም ኣገር፣ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ከ ሳውዲ ኣውሬው ጋር ተካቶ የምራባውያን፣ ያረብና የዕስራዔል ኤምፓየር ይሆናል። ዕውነተኛ ሃገር ሊረዳ ኢትዮጵያን ልክ ዕንደ ሁለተኛውና ኣንደኛው ጦርነት፣ ሩስያ ብቻ ትሆናለች ካሸነፈች። ሩስያ ኣታሸንፍም ምክንያቱም፣ ህንድና ቻይና ከጎኗ ኣይመስሉኝም ማታለያ ነው፣ ህንድና ቻይና ከምራባውያን ጋር ለሃያ ኣመት ኣብሮ በመስራት ምራባውያኖች ዕኩያ ኣድርገዋቸዋል ስለዚህ ርስያ ትሠባበራለች።

    ዖሮምያን በተመለከተ በመጨረሻም ኦሮሞም ራሱ ዕንደ ኣማራ ይመታል፣ ለግዜው ነው። በውስጡ የተሰገሰጉ ዔርትራ፣ ስልጤ ትግሬ፣ ጁነዲን ሳዶ ወዘተ ከኣረብና ከምራባውያን ጋር የሚሰሩ ናቸው። ኢንዲጅነስ የሆኑ ኣማራ፣ ኦሮሞ፣ ደቡብ በሙሉ ይጠፋሉ፣ ዕመኑኝ። ኣብዛኛው የኦሮሞ ስም ያላቸው ዕንደነ ሌንጮ ባቲ የኣረብ ቅልቅል፣ ኣምባሳደር ሆኖ ሳውዲ ኣረብያ፣ ኣንድ ሚሊዮ ኢትዮጵውያን ዕስር ቤት የታሰሩት ምንም ኣላደረገላቸውም። ዕነዚህ ኢትዮጵያውያን ዕየሞቱ በበሽታና፣ ዕየተገድሉ፣ ለሽብርተኝነት በኣለም ዕየተመለመሉ ነው ሶውዲ ኣረብያ።

    የኢትዮጵያን ጦር ዕንደገና ዕያታለሉት ነው። ዋና መሪዎቹ ምስልሞች፣ ህዋሃትና፣ የዔርትራ ጀነራሎች ናቸው። የሚያልቀው ዕርስ በራስ የሚያልቀው ኢትዮጵያን ከቅኝ ግዛት ያውጡት ተባብረው ኣብረው ሆነው፣ የልጅ ልጆቹን ዕያገዳደሉ ነው። ማንም ጠላት ሳይሞት፣ ኢትዮጵያውያን ዕርስ በራስ ዕየተገዳድሉ ነው። ለነጻውጪ የውጭ ኣገልጋዮችና የውጭ ሃይሎች የምስራች ነው።

  8. Right now, the radical Ormo Protestant and Wahabi are eliminating the Oromo Orthodox Christians left and right in Oromiya!

    Today, they killed in Arsi- Jawar Mohammed hot spot,4 Orthox Christians!

    Watch out of Junedin Sado group!

    The so called Ethiopians defense is laughable, of course Dergist like to equate Derg with army and same case, pp and Olf radicals appointed in army as Ethiopian army? Supposedly, Army must protect Ethiopia from foreign threat and not eliminate it’s population!

  9. This bunch of terrorists and killers in the picture – has no moral base to talk about peace.
    It is very sad and humiliating to see how they present themselves as “peace loving”.
    They are responsible for the lives of several hundred thousandths of Tigiany and ethiopians.


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