The auction of shares in the exiled businessman’s troubled real estate company have been ordered, with no interest
Addis Fortune
July 30,2014
Ermias T. Amelga, a cattle rustler? It looks like it could be the case, as the Oromia Supreme Court in Adama (Nazareth) orders the auctioning of the once celebrated businessman’s Access Real Estate shares. Now a fugitive of the law, the auction is to make up for the 1.7 million Br a cattle trader claims he was cheated of in payment for oxen sold to Ermias.
The Court’s Eastern Division Bench, based in Adama, gave the order on June 17, 2014, to sell 1,060 shares, in response to a petition from Hussien Idris for the execution of an earlier decision passed by the same court.
Regional supreme courts are constitutionally delegated to handle cases that the Federal High Court would. This practice is in place in the Oromia, Southern, Amhara and Tigray regional states, where the Federal High Court is not established yet. Read more on Addis Fortune
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