Thursday, June 6, 2024
HomeEthiopian VideoHas Abiy Ahmed betrayed the defense force?

Has Abiy Ahmed betrayed the defense force?


The Ethiopian Defense Force is deployed to the Amhara region with a mission to disarm Fano forces. Multiple local news sources, human rights organizations and information from relevant international bodies over the past few months have confirmed that the Defense Force has committed egregious human rights violations, including extrajudicial executions, against unarmed civilians.

Noticeably, the attitude towards the Defense Force in the Amhara region is changing. The Defense Force is now increasingly seen as Abiy Ahmed and Oromummaa’s force.But it raises a question whether it is desirable in the long term to label the entire defense force as Oromummaa’s force.

EVN Ethiopia has reflected on the issue. Watch the video below. Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Video : embedded from EVN for Ethiopia YouTube channel
Cover photo : screenshot from the video

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