The Commercial Appeal
Jennifer Biggs
April 16,2015
I stumbled across Ethiopian Restaurant and Coffee while exploring the intersections of cross streets and Germantown Parkway for our latest in our “Eat the Street” series, published last month. I was turning around in the parking lot, thinking I had everything I needed from the Dexter corner, when I saw the sign. My first thought was that Ethiopian Restaurant on Germantown Parkway, which I had just discovered was closed, had moved.
But I was wrong. Instead, it’s a new business, opened in November by Yigezu Haregwoin and her daughter. At least two have come and gone, but Haregwoin’s business brings the total to three Ethiopian restaurants open in the area, and a fourth planned to open this spring on Madison. Memphians, it seems, have developed a taste for injera.
And even if injera is off-putting when you first try it, there’s no mystery why the other food is popular here, where we like bold flavors and big servings. Both are in abundance at Ethiopian Restaurant and Coffee.
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