Home Travel 5 General Facts About Lalibela (Ethiopia)

5 General Facts About Lalibela (Ethiopia)


Travelers Today
Published on January 27,2017

Churches at Lalibela
Churches at Lalibela Ethiopia /Independent /File

People who often travel to Ethiopia has a number of reasons to do so, but one of the most popular motivations drawing them is the UNESCO Heritage City of Lalibela. Anyone who plans to visit Ethiopia may not have known anything about this cultural jewel. Here are the interesting 5 facts about Lalibela:

Lalibela: The City

Before this city was named as such, the area that remains to be a stalwart hub of early Christianity was once known as Roha. Prior to the early middle ages, this place was just one of the many inconsequential hamlets in the ancient Nubian civilization. Now, the city of Lalibela is the second holiest city in the Ethiopian Christian sect after Axum. As of 2007, the population of Lalibela has grown to 17,367 – thanks to its iconic rock-carved churches.

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