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HomeEthiopian NewsSomaliland says Ethiopia Upgrade Consulate to Embassy

Somaliland says Ethiopia Upgrade Consulate to Embassy

Somaliland _ Ethiopia _ Embassy
Muse Bihi Abdi, Somaliland President (Photo : HornObserver)


Toronto – Somaliland is saying that Ethiopia has elevated its consular diplomatic presence in Hargeisa to a full-fledged Embassy level. 

Ali Hassen Mohammed, Somaliland’s Minister of Information, Culture and N. Guidance, this week has confirmed to BBC Somali service. 

He was quoting Muse Bihi Abdi, Somaliland president, who spoke about it on the occasion of Somaliland’s anniversary of statehood.  Somaliland refers to the day (May 18)  as “Independence Day.” This year it was the 33rd anniversary. 

“The president during his speech to his people on the occasion of a highly regarded date unveiled that the Ethiopian consulate  office is elevated to a full service Embassy,” Ali Hassen Mohammed is cited  as saying.  

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (MFAE) has not remarked about Somaliland’s disclosure. In a news report published on May 22, BBC Amharic mentioned that it reached out to Nebiyu Tedla, Spokesperson of MFAE, to get a remark about Somaliland’s claim. The spokesperson reportedly declined to remark on it at the time and hinted that the topic will be covered during the Ministry’s  weekly updates. 

The Federal government of Somalia has not remarked about the situation either. 

Last month, the Federal government of Somalia ordered the closure of Ethiopian consulates in Hargeisa (Somaliland)  and Garowe (Puntland). However, the order was honored by the breakaway regions of Somalia. 

The BBC Amharic report also highlighted that Delil Kedir Bushera – who has been serving as Ethiopia’s consular officer in Somaliland, is included in list of President Sahlework Zewde’s  Ambassadorial appointment. The countries of representation of the newly appointed Ambassadors was undisclosed. 

On January 1, 2024, Ethiopia and Somaliland signed a memorandum of understanding. According to the agreement, Ethiopia gets a 20 kilometers coastal outlet to the sea on a 50 years term rental basis in return for recognizing the Independence of Somaliland. It was announced at the time that the full agreement would be finalized within a month after the MoU agreement. There was no official disclosure about the finalization of the agreement. 


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  1. Here we go again. This clannish Somali group is embarrassing to the good name of law abiding Ethuopia and to themselves. When you try to distegard and abuse all intetnational legal norms and conduct how can you expect toi get legitimacy and legal rights from internatinal community and rest of the world? You won’t get any. but remain rogue and Pariah entity in the world forever. That is what has been doing for somerime. They don’t even have 70% consent of the local poplation in the region to secede, let alone the backing of central governmet of Somalia, and they still repeating the same mistake over and over again. The sensible policy of the government Ethiopia should be, as always has been, one Somalia policy. Dealing with the legit and central government of Somalia is sine quo non for long stability and integration of the region in terms of trade, maritimes transctions , security issues and common human progress. Unfortunately, the infantile errant boy of Abiy and his gangster regime desecrated this sensible opttion and instead ventured into belligerence, unnecessary regional conflaction
    and uncharted territory. Very sad.


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