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HomeEthiopian NewsArrested Mahibere Kidusan leaders reportedly released 

Arrested Mahibere Kidusan leaders reportedly released 

Mahibere Kidusan _ Ethiopian News
From Mahibere Kidusan SM page


Toronto – Mahibre Kidusan, an organization under Sunday School Division of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church , on Friday announced that chairperson Li’qe Tiguhan Kesis Mulugeta Seyoum and Secretary Memher Wasihun Belay are released.

The two leaders of the organization were taken from  their homes on Thursday morning and detained at the Federal Police Headquarter in the Mexico area of Addis Ababa. 

The organization did not say the circumstances under which they were released. All it said is  ” we are thankful to the government security bodies for understanding the issue and giving a quick response.” 

The brief update from Mahibre Kidusan, which was shared on its social media page, expressed gratitude to those who were ” patiently waiting and praying , for elders, laity and members of Mahibere Kidusan.” 

The Ethiopian government did not explain as to why it arrested the chairperson and secretary of the organization. Two days before their arrest, the state media aired a “documentary” about the incident involving an exchange of fire between three Fano members and security officers in the capital Addis Ababa. The government indirectly implicated the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the militant activity of the Fano Forces. 

In addition to Li’qe Tiguhan Kesis Mulugeta Seyoum and Memher Wasihun, government forces on Thursday arrested  Merigeta Berhanu TekleYared. He was recently appointed as head of the South and West Africa Dioceses of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.  He was taken by security forces early in the morning and his house was searched for hours. 

It is for a second time for Berhanu to be arrested in less than six months. As of now he remained detained and the Ethiopian government did not bother to explain the reason why he was arrested.


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  1. Two fugitives, ሊቀ ቴሬሪስት Mulugeta Seyoum and Secretary Memher Wasihun Belay, are criminals on the loose . They need to be taken into custody again. The prosperity party has now fallen victim to those wolves dressing as sheep once more.
    Claiming to be a religious group, Mahibrekidusan is a terrorist Amhara political party. It must be dismantled, and all its resources must be allocated to help the poor, displaced people of Oromia and Amhara. All of its resources belong to Oromia.
    Mahibrekidusan is a terrorist Amhara political party. It must be dismantled,

  2. Borkena editors are aligning with genociders from Mahibreseytan, promotiing genocidal groups and their ideas Borkena editors are aligning with genociders from Mahibreseytan, promotiing genocidal groups and their ideas

    The arrest of genociders such as the Chairperson of the Mahibre Kidusan or any other genocidal member cannot be linked with an attack on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
    “Mahibere Kidusan is a recognized entity that was established nearly forty years ago.
    In Ethiopia, it undertook several projects that supports the services of the Ethiopian orthodox church.””Borkena

    If Mahibreseytan (calling itself Mahibrekidusan) has been around for *40* years, does that mean that its despicable deeds are acceptable? Mahibrekidusan is younger than Satan.
    ***A satanic organization cannot be identified as a righteous entity based solely on its age.
    ***Mahibrekidusan was supporting and sponsoring genocide against people of Tigray.
    Mahibrekidusan compensated Borkena editors and a few Borkena members identify as Mahibreseytan, so-called Mahibrekidusan.

    Mahibreseytan is congested and infested with genociders from the Amhara ethnic group. You are a member of the same ethnic group that supported Abiy Ahmed in his genocide against Oromos and Tigrayans.

    If religious virtues and sanctity were correlated with the age of a depraved Satanic, political, or genocide perpetrator like Mahibreseytan, there would be an abundance of examples of horrific crimes carried out by organizations and individuals that have been around for more than 40 years. In addition, Mahibreseytan undertook several projects sole to exploit the plight of impoverished men and women and to collect funds for personal gain and organizational profit.

    The arrest of genociders such as the Chairperson of the Mahibre Kidusan or any other member of the so-called Mahibre Kidusan could not be associated with an attack on the Orthodox Church.

    The prosperity party should continue to arrest those satanic members of Mahibreseytan who were adding fuel to the fire (financing genocide and cheering) during the two-year conflict in Tigray.

  3. borkena terrorist news channel living in Torontoes
    borkena coupled with mahibreseytan

  4. borkena terrorist news channel living in Torontoes
    borkena coupled with mahibreseytan


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